Número de artículos: 7

Opus Dei's Earthly Weapon in Image Battle: Humor

Their Catholic organization's reputation tarnished by 'Da Vinci Code,' members find that laughter goes a long way.

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FACE OF FAITH Getting personal with Father Fred

Entrevista al vicario regional del Opus Dei de Canadá y reportaje sobre el Opus Dei, publicados en The Toronto Star.

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HOLLYWOOD HERESY: Marketing “The Da Vinci Code” to Christians

Reportaje publicado en el New Yorker, el 15 de mayo de 2006.

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Opus Dei makes the PR running

Artículo publicado en The Guardian, el 13 de febrero de 2006. El subtítulo dice: "The religious group was furious at its portrayal in The Da Vinci Code, but is taking advantage of the imminent film version to promote its message".

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U.S. Bishops' Catholic Communication Campaign Plans 'Jesus De- Coded' Web Site and Documentary

The U.S. Bishops' Catholic Communication Campaign will offer key resources to provide accurate information on the life of Jesus and the origins of Christianity prior to the release of the movie based on Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code.

Del Opus Dei

Entrevista con la portavoz del Opus Dei en EEUU

Ofrecemos una entrevista en inglés a Terri Carron, portavoz de la Oficina de Información del Opus Dei en EE.UU. a propósito de 'The Da Vinci Code'. Duración: 2'30''. Descargable en calidad MPEG (sólo periodistas).

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Resumen del libro en inglés

For the fortunate few who haven’t read it, here’s a brief summary of Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code, somewhat re-arranged for clarity’s sake.

Del Opus Dei